Friday, October 17, 2008

Helpful Economic Perspective

I was forwarded in an email this article. I find it a much needed and helpful perspective. It's got me musing. Hope it does the same for you.


At 2:50 AM, Blogger Jeffrey said...

Interesting read.
When I at first tried to confirm my understanding of each of the rather arcane and conjoined references bandied about, I doubted whether I was going to be able to decipher his thesis. However, once I abandoned such foolishness as attempting to discern the differences between the Manicheans and the Zoroastrians relevant for a discussion of the benefits of capitalism, I think that I was on the right track.
To the extent that we were being counseled to avoid extolling the gospel of the free market as having been handed down at Mt. Sinai (or a NT peak of note) and limiting our admiration of it to that of a man-made system that seems to work better in many ways than other man-made systems but with its limits, his thesis seems to be an appropriate and timely reminder. His caution against assigning a moral element to the free market system is also a good reminder. And while I would agree that a hesitancy to assign blame is beneficial, one would not want to fail to be reminded of the potential impacts being seen in the financial crisis of unbridled consumption, the lack of sensible regulation concerning the financial markets, and the benefits of having a reasonable expectation that those receiving credit will be able to make good on their obligations. Another good reminder may be that what goes up can come down, especially in a single investment class (e.g., technology stocks, real estate, etc.).
Finally, I am 'musing' that much of what we might define in the world as bleak or tragic, whether it be related to the financial crisis or not, may have as a prime contributing factor our unwillingness as Christians to repent of our sin, that sin that so easily entangles us. May God be gracious to us and grant us repentance.


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