Monday, December 12, 2005

What about Justice?

I've been listening to NPR and reading the occasional news story over the past couple of weeks as they have covered the upcoming execution of Tookie Williams. The linked article illustrates the worldview which lies behind those who are pleading with Governor Arnold for clemency. In particular it says, "They [Williams' supporters - mb] say he has redeemed himself by speaking out against violence and writing children's books on the evils of gang life." There are two particular faults with this kind of thinking.

First, if we assume that the justice system worked (I know, I know this is a major complaint in America jurisprudence but that's why I said "assume") and Tookie Williams is guilty, there is an issue I haven't once heard mentioned. What about justice? What about "Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made man." (Gen. 9:6). What about the fact that the blood of those whom Tookie Williams killed cries out from the ground for vengeance (Gen. 4:10). Missing in any talk of Tookie Williams is God and the affront murder makes upon God who placed His image on each murdered person.

Second, Tookie Williams and every other person on earth can't "redeem themselves". No matter how much good Tookie Williams does (good for which I'm very thankful!) he can't repay God for his sin. Only Jesus can do that.

The answer Governor Arnold should give to a plea for clemency is two-fold. First, "No. Tookie you killed those folks and you deserve to die." Second, "Tookie you don't have to go to hell to pay the penalty for your sins. The reason Christ came at Christmas is that God's justice for murderers like you could be meted out on His Son and not on you." I wonder what Arnold will say ...


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