Thursday, August 04, 2005

Is Life About Our Comfort?

Sadly a British Appeals Court has ruled that a terminally ill person can be starved to death. Specifically if "a patient is no longer able to express his or her wishes or is mentally incapacitated, doctors can withdraw treatment, including ANH [Artificial Nutrition and Hydration - mb], if they consider it to be causing suffering or 'overly burdensome.' " How food and water can cause suffering to someone is a bit obscure. However, the "overly" burdensome category is simply convenience speak for "your life isn't worth living and you're too much hassle to take care of". I have a 10 month old at home who is quite a bit of work. He doesn't feed or hydrate himself on his own but requires multiples incidents of intense care throughout the day. Is it inconvenient? Sure if I deem that what I'm doing is more important than him. But God is the one who sets importance on people made in His image and it isn't our right to determine that caring for a dying person is "overly burdensome". Babies are also "overly burdensome" or perhaps better "character building". Life - under the curse - is not about what is easiest or most comfortable. Instead it's about doing what it our duty knowing in advance that we live a cursed place where much of what we do is difficult. But this labor also helps us look forward to the New Heavens and New Earth where disease and difficulty will be no more.


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