Friday, July 22, 2005

Covering Up Reality

I rarely get to read the New York Times Magazine (and you can't either if you don't pay for it somehow). But the issue from June 12th had some great pieces in it that deserve to be commented upon. In a piece by Clive Thompson (the link would drive you nuts if I provided it so just think I'm saving you the hassle and believe that I'm giving you the real gist of the story!) titled "Not Ready for Their Close-Up: The unintended consequences of high-definition TV" the author relates the fact that plastic surgeons are busy. They're busy fixing up TV people in their 30's.

Why you might ask? Well it seems what was invisible via regular TV broadcasting technology is now visible using High Def technology. So that scar you got falling down as a kid what was hitherto invisible is now ugly. Wrinkles it seems stand out rather prominently making those who are apparently beautiful not so.

If we bring this closer to how we might evaluate this trend from the Bible's perspective I suggest that the 30's TV type at the plastic surgeon is merely doing a sophisticated version of fig leaf weaving. When Adam and Eve sinned they realized they were naked and sought to hide reality from others in their shame.

Moderns do this in multiple ways ranging from the age-defying antics of medical plastic purveyors to the strong silent type American male who refuses to find or reveal what is going on his heart to the unbeliever who is unwilling to face the facts regarding their sinfulness. All of these are attempts to hide reality because we don't like it. They are in essence to put up a good front and appear "righteous" or "perfect" in some form or another through hiding.

Let's face reality ... we are becoming-wrinkly people with sinful hearts who do sinful things that are embarrassing. Without Christ cover up is needed because a close-up will reveal who we are. With Christ we can sustain the ultimate high def, the presence of God, because what will be seen is Christ's righteousness not our lack thereof. Run to Christ and don't mind the close-up it is reality after all.


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